How I Got My Pet Bunny!

Two weeks before April 1st...

Someone in our church said that she has a bunny she would like to give someone. She really likes the bunny, but she is too busy to take care of the bunny. She said that she already has all the supplies to take care of the bunny, has already vaccinated the bunny, plus has free vaccines for the bunny to take every six months.

When my Mom heard of the news, she was really excited, and really wanted to get the bunny for me! (She especially wanted to give it to me for my birthday.) But according to the rules of our family, we had to find someone to help us take care of the bunny when we travel before we even get the bunny. So my Mom was very sad, but couldn't do anything about it. One week passed, and my Mom was pretty sure someone had already taken the bunny.

The night before April 1st...

Another church member that knows our family asked if we would like to have a pet bunny. (Then my Mom realized that the bunny "offer" was still open.) My Mom told her that we really like pets, but we can't get the bunny unless we know someone can help us take care of the bunny when we are travelling. So the church member said that she will check with the bunny's owner. 

When my Mom got connected with the bunny's owner, the bunny's owner said that she will find someone to take care of the bunny when we travel. She also said that if she can't find anyone, she can help us take care of the bunny when we travel. So then, the bunny's owner said the she will take the bunny to our house the next day after work!

Find out more in the next blog post!


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