
SAD NEWS ABOUT FLUFFY... :( :( :( Please take a look

Hello Everyone, Thank you all for looking at my blog. Sadly, I have some very sad news to tell you all. Since Fluffy is in Asia, and I've returned back to the U.S., I asked someone else to help take care of Fluffy for me. About a month ago, she (the caretaker) got a sickness and was afraid that the sickness  would pass to Fluffy. So she(the caretaker) asked her friend to take care of Fluffy for her. Fluffy was really loud at night, so the friend kept Fluffy outside her room in the university. SADLY, ONE DAY, FLUFFY RAN OUT OF HIS CAGE and disappeared. I'm very very very sad that he is now gone. I pray that he is safe somewhere else. Fluffy has always been very clever...pray that he will use his cleverness outside in the big dangerous world...and hopefully the university campus will be safe for him. Please pray that Fluffy is safe somewhere else right now! Thank you all so much! I will miss him SO MUCH! He is just the cutest bunny ever... Here is the link! https://youtu

Some news about Fluffy

Hello Everyone! A few days ago, Fluffy left our house to live somewhere else for awhile since my family and I had to go travelling. I will miss Fluffy super duper much! Even though Fluffy is notI will continue posting since I have a lot of half made videos of Fluffy that I have been making. I hope to start posting them out soon! I also hope to make a video and post of Fluffy leaving our house. Sorry for the delays of the posts. Anyways, here are some photos of Fluffy, the bunny will never forget! Please comment below! I love comments, suggestions, and questions!

Some Cute Photos of Fluffy the Bunny

Hello Everyone! Sorry for not posting for a long time, I have been working on my siblings birthday videos and haven't had any time for making my blog! Here are some photos of Fluffy! I hope you enjoy looking at them! A photo of Fluffy and me!  Fluffy eating some vegetables!  Isn't Fluffy so cute?  Fluffy!    Fluffy Standing  Fluffy eating treats  Fluffy reaching for treats Fluffy! I hope you enjoyed looking at the photos! Have a great day!

Order Of The Posts About Fluffy Snowball!

If you would like to look at the posts in order, look at them in this order: 1. How I Got My Pet Bunny! 2. April 1st, 2019! Bunny Arrives! 3. April 1st! Supplies For The Bunny! 4. Fluffy's Schedule! 5. Taking Fluffy on a Walk! 6. Giving Fluffy Snowball a Bath! 7. Some Cute Photos of Fluffy the Bunny! 8. Some news of Fluffy

Diary Posts by Fluffy Snowball!

Here are all the Diary Posts of Fluffy Snowball! 1. Diary Post #1 I hope you will enjoy reading the Diary Posts!

Fluffy's Diary Post #1

Hi, my name is Fluffy Snowball. I came to Anabel's house when I was just three months old on April 1st, 2019. I was given as a birthday gift to Anabel.  I like this new home because I get to run around often. Before I cam to this new house, I had no idea what freedom was. I was always cooped up in a small cage, and saw humans only in the morning and at night, and just to be fed. Now I know what freedom is, and how the humongous world is such a great place to explore. I hate staying in my cage now. For some reason, the more freedom I get, the more I want. At Anabel's house, I get to run around and explore things. Thankfully, living here isn't that bad. Although there are some bunnies with more freedom that me, there are a lot more bunnies with worse conditions than me. But I just can't be content!!! I don't know why. I love to kick the door and try to get out. It is quite fun. Here are two photos of me: Anyways, I think this is enough writing for a bunn

Fluffy's Schedule!

I made him a schedule after observing him for a few days.  Here it is! 7am-Feed him some dried grass (A batch of each kind) Afternoon or Evening-Give him a 10 minute training session, let him eat pellets  (Practice Jumping, Turning, and Standing) Late Evening-Feed him some dried grass. Clean his litter box Picture of Fluffy

Giving Fluffy a Bath!

Twice a week I give Fluffy a bath. I give him a dry bath and also wash his feet with water. Here is a video! I hope you enjoyed watching the video!

Taking Fluffy on a Walk!

Every week I take Fluffy on a walk! He loves exploring the "big world". Here is a video of our walk! Now here are some photos that were taken on our walk!!! Picking Fluffy Up: Funny photo: Cute Fluffy and Me:   Cute Fluffy:  Another photo of Fluffy: We are walking in our neighborhood with Fluffy in the travel bag: Can you see Fluffy in the travel bag?  Theodore and I in the far distance:  Petting Fluffy: Theodore carrying Fluffy: Grace walking Fluffy:  And now, the cutest pictures of all! I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

April 1st, 2019! Bunny Arrives!

In the morning... My Mom said that she has a surprise that she wants to tell me. I was half-what excited, and then I asked her "Would I really like it?" So she told me the news " A BUNNY IS COMING TO OUR HOUSE TODAY!!! And he will be your birthday gift!" I was so surprised and super excited! I couldn't wait! The bunny's owner said that she will come to our house after work to give us the bunny. I was so excited that I could barely do my homework that morning! 5:00pm... I kept asking Mom "When is she coming?" I just couldn't wait! My Mom said that she won't come that soon, because she has to drive to our house. At around 5:30pm, the bunny's owner told us that she was on her way, about 40 minutes away from our house. I was super excited! The time seemed to be ticking away so slowly. Finally, at 6:15pm, the bunny's owner arrived with... BUNNY! When I saw the bunny, my first impression was "Wow, the bunny is bigger and more f